7 - Unobserved Confounding & Instrumental Variables

Slides & Recap


  1. Relevance: \(Z\) is significantly correlated with \(T\), i.e. \(Cov(Z, T) \neq 0\). Path 1 must exist.
  2. Exclusion Restriction: \(Z\) affects \(Y\) only through \(T\). A direct path 2 must not exist.
  3. Unconfoundedness (Exogeneity, Validity): \(Z\) is independent of \(U\), i.e. \(Cov(Z, \epsilon_Y) = 0\). Conditioning on \(\mathbf{X}\) required in some contexts (will cover this later). Path 3 must not exist.

For our practical example, imagine the following situation: you have developed an app and you are already having an active user base. Of course, some users are more active than other users. Also, users might use the app for different purposes. In general, user behavior likely depends on a lot of unobserved characteristics.

Obviously, your goal is to keep users as long as possible on the app to maximize your ad revenues. To do that, you want to introduce a new feature and see how it affects time spent on the app. Simply comparing users who use the newly introduced feature to users who don’t would result in a biased estimate due to the unobserved confounders regarding their activity and willingness to use a new feature.

Therefore, you perform a so called randomized encouragement trial, where for a random selection of users, a popup appears when opening the app and encourages these users to test new feature. The users who are not randomly selected don’t get a popup message but could also use the new feature.

After a while you collect data on users’ activity and also if they were encouraged and if they used the new feature. Download the data and load it.

  • Causal Effect: The impact of a new feature on the time spent in the app.
  • Treatment: Usage of the new feature.
  • Outcome: Time spent in the app.
  • Instrument: Randomized encouragement (e.g., a popup message encouraging users to try the new feature).

This setup avoids running an A/B test on the feature itself by using an encouragement design, which is often more acceptable from a business perspective, particularly when there is a desire to roll out a feature to all users.

# Load tidyverse
Warning: Paket 'ggplot2' wurde unter R Version 4.3.2 erstellt
Warning: Paket 'tidyr' wurde unter R Version 4.3.2 erstellt
# Load data and print
df <- readRDS("rand_enc.rds")
# A tibble: 10,000 × 3
   popup used_ftr time_spent
   <int>    <int>      <dbl>
 1     0        0       65.5
 2     0        0       77.5
 3     1        0       70.8
 4     0        0       58.5
 5     0        1       86.1
 6     1        1       67.7
 7     0        0       68.1
 8     0        0       63.3
 9     1        1       69.2
10     0        0       60.9
# ℹ 9,990 more rows

Task 1: Evaluate the IV assumptions.

  • Question: Does the randomized encouragement (popup message) affect the likelihood of using the new feature?
  • Evaluation: It is plausible that the encouragement message will increase the probability that users try the new feature, satisfying the relevance condition.
Exclusion Restriction
  • Question: Does the randomized encouragement affect the time spent in the app only through its effect on the usage of the new feature?
  • Evaluation: Assuming the only reason the encouragement affects the time spent in the app is by increasing the use of the new feature, this condition holds. The popup message should not directly affect time spent in the app other than by leading users to use the new feature.
  • Question: Is the random assignment of encouragement independent of potential outcomes and treatments?
  • Evaluation: Since the encouragement is randomized, it should be independent of other factors that could influence both the usage of the new feature and the time spent in the app, satisfying this condition.

Parametric identification of ATE

As in our practical example, we will derive the ATE for the binary case, i.e. a binary instrument and a binary treatment variable. However, the continuous case is very similar. For the parametric identification, we assume linearity. In other words, we assume a homogeneous treatment effect and exclude effect heterogeneity with regard to unobserved variables.

\[ Y_i = \beta_0 + \tau T_i + \beta_U U_i + \epsilon_i \] Please note, that there is no \(Z\) in this formula due to the exclusion restriction.

Let’s go through the identification procedure step by step. You will see and use the other assumptions there, as well.

We start with the associational difference for \(Y\) under different values for \(Z\). It’s not the treatment effect \(\tau\), but because we can observe this expression, we take it as a starting point.

\[ \begin{align*} & \mathbb{E}[Y_i | Z_i = 1] - \mathbb{E}[Y_i | Z_i = 0] \\ \end{align*} \]


Assumption of linearity.

\[ \begin{align*} &= \mathbb{E}[\beta_0 + \tau T_i + \beta_U U_i + \epsilon_i | Z_i = 1] - \mathbb{E}[\beta_0 + \tau T_i + \beta_U U_i + \epsilon_i | Z_i = 0] \\ \end{align*} \]


Linearity of expectation.

\[ \begin{align*} &= \beta_0 + \tau \mathbb{E}[T_i | Z_i = 1] + \beta_u \mathbb{E}[U_i | Z_i = 1] + \mathbb{E}[\epsilon_i | Z_i = 1] - \beta_0 - \tau \mathbb{E}[T_i | Z_i = 0] - \beta_u \mathbb{E}[U_i | Z_i = 0] - \mathbb{E}[\epsilon_i | Z_i = 0] \\ \end{align*} \]


Re-arranging, removing \(\epsilon_i\) and \(\beta_0\).

\[ \begin{align*} &= \tau (\mathbb{E}[T_i | Z_i = 1] - \mathbb{E}[T_i | Z_i = 0]) + \beta_u (\mathbb{E}[U_i | Z_i = 1] - \mathbb{E}[U_i | Z_i = 0]) \\ \end{align*} \]


Unconfoundedness assumption.

\[ \begin{align*} &= \tau (\mathbb{E}[T_i | Z_i = 1] - \mathbb{E}[T_i | Z_i = 0]) + \beta_u (\mathbb{E}[U_i] - \mathbb{E}[U_i]) \\ \end{align*} \]


Re-arranging/removing terms.

\[ \begin{align*} &= \tau (\mathbb{E}[T_i | Z_i = 1] - \mathbb{E}[T_i | Z_i = 0]) \end{align*} \]

Task 2: Solve for \(\tau\) and compute sample version of the Wald estimand.

# Numerator
num <- mean(df[df$popup == 1, ]$time_spent) - mean(df[df$popup == 0, ]$time_spent)

# Denominator
den <- mean(df[df$popup == 1, ]$used_ftr) - mean(df[df$popup == 0, ]$used_ftr)

# Wald estimate
[1] 9.3

2SLS (Two-stage least squares)

A more practical way of estimating the treatment effect is the two-stage least squares estimator (2SLS) which returns an estimate equivalent to the one just computed. 2SLS splits the estimation procedure in two stages:

  • 1st stage: regress \(T\) on \(Z\) to obtain \(\hat{T}\), where \(\hat{T}\) are the fitted values.
  • 2nd stage: regress \(Y\) on \(\hat{T}\) to obtain the coefficient \(\hat{\tau}\), which is the treatment effect.

In the graphs below, you can see how the 2SLS estimator works. First, \(U\) is an unobserved confounder of \(T\) on \(Y\). When replacing \(T\) with \(\hat{T}\), there is no arrow from \(U\) on the adjusted treatment, because there is no dependence.

Task 3: Compute the treatment effect using the 2SLS estimator as described. (1) First, do it by running the two regressions. (2) Then, use the R package AER and the function ivreg(). The syntax for the formula is: Y ~ T | Z. (Note: for method (1) your standard errors will be wrong. You can ignore that for now.)

# (a) with wrong standard errors

# First stage
stage_1 <- lm(used_ftr ~ popup, data = df)

lm(formula = used_ftr ~ popup, data = df)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-0.659 -0.309 -0.309  0.341  0.691 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  0.30941    0.00667    46.4   <2e-16 ***
popup        0.35002    0.00937    37.4   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.47 on 9998 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.123, Adjusted R-squared:  0.122 
F-statistic: 1.4e+03 on 1 and 9998 DF,  p-value: <2e-16
# Second stage
df$used_ftr_hat <- stage_1$fitted.values
stage_2 <- lm(time_spent ~ used_ftr_hat, data = df)

lm(formula = time_spent ~ used_ftr_hat, data = df)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-41.66  -7.36   0.28   7.87  31.94 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    62.273      0.322   193.2   <2e-16 ***
used_ftr_hat    9.309      0.623    14.9   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 11 on 9998 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.0218,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.0217 
F-statistic:  223 on 1 and 9998 DF,  p-value: <2e-16
install.packages("AER") # (Applied Economics with R)
# (b) with correct standard errors

# Load package
Warning: Paket 'AER' wurde unter R Version 4.3.2 erstellt
Warning: Paket 'survival' wurde unter R Version 4.3.3 erstellt
# Two-stage least squares
tsls <- ivreg(time_spent ~ used_ftr | popup, data = df)
summary(tsls, vcov = vcovHC) # with robust standard errors

ivreg(formula = time_spent ~ used_ftr | popup, data = df)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-35.52  -6.03   0.62   6.63  27.28 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   62.273      0.270   230.5   <2e-16 ***
used_ftr       9.309      0.524    17.8   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 9.2 on 9998 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.308,  Adjusted R-squared: 0.308 
Wald test:  316 on 1 and 9998 DF,  p-value: <2e-16 

Nonparametric identification of Local ATE

The linearity assumption is a very strong parametric assumption, as it e.g. requires homogeneous treatment effects. Therefore, we would like to nonparametrically identify the treatment effect, and in fact, we can. However, we are not able to identify the average treatment effect ATE, but instead a local version of the average treatment effect, known as LATE. While we can drop the linearity assumption, now the assumption of monotonicity is needed. But first, we have to introduce a bit of new notation to express the relationship between instrument and treatment. The notation is similar to the potential outcome notation.

Principal stratification

We segment population into four segments. E.g. \(T_i(Z = 1) = 1\) represents unit’s \(i\) decision to “get the treatment” when being encouraged. Based on all possible combinations, four different exist:

  • Compliers always take the treatment that they’re encouraged to take: \(T_i(1) = 1\) and \(T_i(0) = 0\).
  • Always-Takers always take the treatment, regardless of encouragement: \(T_i(1) = 1\) and \(T_i(0) = 1\).
  • Never-Takers never take the treatment, regardless of encouragement: \(T_i(1) = 0\) and \(T_i(0) = 0\).
  • Defiers always take the opposite treatment that they’re encouraged to take: \(T_i(1) = 0\) and \(T_i(0) = 1\).

Applied to our example, usere who receive the encouragement (popup message) and use it are compliers.

Task 4: We are not able to observe whether a unit is a complier, always-taker, never-taker or defier. For each observed combination of \(Z\) and \(T\), there are always two options. For the following combinations, answer what segments could be possible.

\(Z=0, T=0\)

Compliers or never-takers

\(Z=0, T=1\)

Defiers or always-takers

\(Z=1, T=0\)

Defiers or never-takers

\(Z=1, T=1\)

Compliers or always-takers

Task 5: Draw the DAGs for complier and never-takers.

Local ATE

In case of unobserved confounding, we will nonparametrically identify the local average treatment effect (LATE), also known as the complier average causal affect (CACE). It is the average tratment effect among compliers.

\[ \mathbb{E}[Y_i(T_i=1) - Y_i(T_i=0) | T_i(Z_i=1) = 1, T_i(Z_i=0) = 0] \]

Instead of linearity, we assume monotonicity: a unit encouraged to take the treatment (\(Z=1\)), is either more or equally likely to take it then without encouragement (\(Z=0\)).

\[ T_i(Z_i=1) \geq T_i(Z_i=0) \,\, \forall i \]

The monotonicity assumption implies that there are no defiers because they actually always act differently than the compliers.

In our example, monotonicity means that the popup uniformly increase the likelihood of using the new feature, without making any users less likely to use it. And while the assumption is not testable, we could argue that the popup message is unlikely to decrease the likelihood that users try the new feature. Therefore, this condition is likely satisfied.

For the estimation of the LATE, if \(Z_i\) and \(T_i\) are binary instrument and treatment variable, respectively, and monotonicity holds, it follows

\[ \mathbb{E}[Y_i(1) - Y_i(0) | T_i(1) = 1, T_i(0) = 0] = \frac{\mathbb{E}[Y_i | Z_i = 1] - \mathbb{E}[Y_i | Z_i = 0]}{\mathbb{E}[T_i | Z_i = 1] - \mathbb{E}[T_i | Z_i = 0]} \]

The numerator term is also called Intention-to-Treat (ITT) Effect, while the denominator is 1st-stage effect or Complier Share.

Task 6: Compute ITT and complier share for our example. How would the LATE vary with a lower or higher complier share?

Identification examples

Task 7: Finding a good instrument is often times quite difficult due to the requirements discussed above. Read the following identification strategies and evalute their validity.

Case 1: Effect of R&D Expenditure on Innovation Output

Variable Description
Treatment R&D expenditure
Outcome Number of patents filed
Instrument Firm size

Firm size affects R&D expenditure (relevance) but also likely directly affects innovation output due to economies of scale and other factors, violating the exclusion restriction. [invalid]

Case 2: Effect of Training Programs on Employee Productivity

Variable Description
Treatment Participation in a training program
Outcome Employee productivity measured by output per hour
Instrument Distance from the employee’s home to the training center

Distance from home to the training center is likely to influence participation in the training program (relevance) but should not directly affect productivity except through participation in the training program (exclusion restriction). [valid]

Case 3: Effect of Marketing Spend on Sales

Variable Description
Treatment Marketing expenditure by a firm
Outcome Sales revenue
Instrument Introduction of a new marketing budget rule that allocates more funds to marketing based on predefined criteria

The new budget rule affects marketing expenditure (relevance) and is assumed to affect sales only through changes in marketing expenditure (exclusion restriction). Independence holds if the rule is exogenous to other factors affecting sales. [valid]

Case 4: Effect of Employee Benefits on Job Satisfaction

Variable Description
Treatment Generosity of employee benefits
Outcome Job satisfaction score
Instrument Firm’s overall profitability

Firm profitability may influence the ability to offer generous benefits (relevance), but it also directly affects job satisfaction through other channels like job security and working conditions, violating the exclusion restriction. [invalid]


Accept the Week 7 - Assignment and follow the same steps as last week and as described in the organization chapter.

  1. Take the example from the tutorial.

    1. Regress \(Y\) on \(T\).

    2. Regress \(Y\) on \(Z\).

    3. Compare the estimates to the one obtained by instrumental variable regression and argue why the size differs. Why are the two regressions not valid estimates of the treatment effect?

  2. Compute the different bounds presented in the lecture and for each bound, explain in one sentence, in your own words, what is assumed.

  3. Using the data task_3.rds, perform a sensitivity analysis using the package sensemakr as presented in the lecture. The outcome and treatment is the same as in the tutorial, but you have one additional covariate, age. With the results from the sensitivity analysis, answer the following questions.

    1. How sensitive is your estimate to a potential unobserved confounder which is 1x, 2x, or 3x as strong as the variable age?

    2. Interpret the robustness value and explain, in your own words, what it expresses.